Diversity Initiative

OHIO GHANAFEST In The Schools is the Ohio Ghana Festival’s collaborative outreach program aiming to inspire the youth through exposure to different cultural experiences (music) all throughout the school year. By bringing aspects of Ghanaian culture such as music, dance, folkloric story-telling and language education into the schools, OHIO GHANAFEST aims to expose the youth to lessons in cultural diversity through performances, classroom presentations, and hands-on experience.

OHIO GHANAFEST’s goal is to promote the creative health of children and provide them with the opportunity to connect with the inspiring world of diversity (music). Children introduced to diversity at a young age acquire stronger social skills and are more receptive to those who speak a different language, dress differently, have “foreign-sounding” names that might be difficult to pronounce (for someone only used to the English alphabet) – simply put, some who is just “different from us”. Immersing children in culturally diverse activities gives them the opportunity to become more comfortable being around, interacting and even living with people of different racial and religious backgrounds, with different languages and lifestyles.

OHIO GHANAFEST and our partners seek to provide the opportunity for the youth to develop unique skills and expose them to different cultural experiences. This interaction will make them more open-minded to and aware of the environment around them. The future lies with the youth, and providing them with the opportunity to learn, at an early age, how to live with and among other people who look different, talk differently, and exhibit different lifestyles, will surely have a greater impact on society in the long run.

If you are a teacher, student, administrator, or program coordinator at a school or community organization and are interested in seeing OHIO GHANAFEST programming in your school, please contact us at the address below. Please include your name, school affiliation, and age group of students.


The future of the Ohio Ghana Festival (OHIOGHANAFEST) depends on expansion and growth. To this end, OHIOGHANAFEST seeks to create and establish branches in schools and other institutions of learning.

By so doing, OHIO GHANAFEST becomes a collaborative outreach program that inspires students in Literature, Music, and Culture throughout the school year. In this Students may be exposed to indigenous African music through musical performance, classroom presentation, and hands on experience.

Our goal is to promote health and longevity among. As they connect with Africa and the world in the name of cultural diversity.

OHIOGHANAFEST believes that people introduced to cultural diversity at an early age tend to acquire better social and interpersonal communication skills. They also become more receptive to their counterparts in other cultures as they learn to accept who they are rather than judge people on the basis of race and lifestyle.

Youths exposed to cultural diversity cultivate meaningful social interactions that help them become open-minded members of society as they gain a clear understanding of their culture and social environment.
The youths of today represent the future. As harbingers of tomorrow, they are the repository of power, wealth, and success.

We encourage students and teachers, school administrators and program coordinators, together with local community organizers to work in concert with OHIOGHANAFEST for the good of society.